Please Join the ULA and the National Black Law Students Association at Howard University on Friday, March 29, 2024
The ULA and the National Black Law Students Association will be hosting a law student outreach event next Friday, March 29, at Howard University Law School. Click on the image for more information.
ULA Members Login
ULA members enjoy many benefits including access to a large resource library, participation in educational events, and access to ULA topical listservs. If you are interested in membership, see "Joining the ULA" below. Already a Member? Sign in now.
COVID-19, Working People, and Unions: Legal Issues
The AFL-CIO, ULA has created and collected from union-side labor lawyers a set of materials regarding the legal implications of the COVID-19 economic and health crisis.
The AFL-CIO Union Lawyers Alliance is national membership organization of over 2,100 union-side lawyers in more than 500 firms and union legal departments around the country. For ULA members, the ULA facilitates the exchange of information and strategies, mobilizes union-side lawyers in labor movement programs, provides legal education and networking opportunities, and assists ULA members in recruiting and retaining new lawyers and lawyers of color.
Joining the ULA
To be eligible for membership in the ULA, a practicing lawyer in the U.S. must meet a number of criteria, including representing AFL-CIO affiliated unions and practicing union-side labor law a substantial (more than 50 percent) of the time. Accordingly, the ULA has created this public website to provide information to those law students and lawyers interested in learning more about the practice of union-side labor law. For more information contact